2022 National MMP Retreat for Laity, Sept 23-25

Just a quick note to inform you that the previously scheduled MMP lay retreat will proceed as planned. Fr. Andre Feain, FI will replace Fr. Cortese as retreat master.

National MMP Retreat for Laity
Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament

3224 County Rd. 548   Hanceville, AL
Friday, September 23 to Sunday, September 25, 2022

Retreat in the Form of a Continuous Cenacle
(tentative schedule follows)

Friday, Sept. 23       2:00 to 5:00 PM  
Adoration, Cenacle, Evening Prayer & Holy Mass 

Saturday, Sept. 24   8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Morning:   Adoration, Morning Prayer, 1st & 2nd Rosary, Holy Mass
Afternoon: Presentation on Fr. Gobbi, Adoration, Evening Prayer & 3rd Rosary

Sunday, Sept. 25      8:30 AM to 11:AM
Adoration, Cenacle, Morning Prayer & Holy Mass

REGISTRATION: Open to everyone.  Please inform the MMP office if you will attend. (Tel. (207) 398-3375 / Email:  mmp@mmp-usa.net)  You are not required to register with the Shrine.

FEE:          No charge for the weekend.  Free will offerings are welcome and appreciated.

MEALS:    Please bring bag lunch on Saturday.  There is no food available on the shrine grounds, except vending machines with snacks and drinks.  

LODGING:   You are responsible for your own accommodations. 
For a list of lodging options: www.olamshrine.com/visit/lodging

DRESS CODE and other Shrine information:
Please visit their website: www.olamshrine.com