Dear Friends in the MMP, With great sadness, we announce the passing of Fr. Albert Roux at his home in Lewiston, Maine on March 9, 2023. Fr. Roux served as the U.S. National Director of the MMP from 1975 until … Continue reading
Cenacle Schedule
Cenacle is the Latin word for “Upper Room” where the first apostles were gathered with Mary in Jerusalem, awaiting the First Pentecost. In these Cenacles for our present times, the Blessed Mother again is inviting us to join her in … Continue reading
2022 National MMP Retreat for Laity, Sept 23-25
Just a quick note to inform you that the previously scheduled MMP lay retreat will proceed as planned. Fr. Andre Feain, FI will replace Fr. Cortese as retreat master. National MMP Retreat for LaityShrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament3224 County … Continue reading
2022 International Retreats for Priests and Laity in Fatima
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the MMP, the International Spiritual Exercises for Priests will be organized in Fatima from Sunday, June 26 to Saturday, July 2, 2022. In conjunction with the exercises for priests there will also … Continue reading
National MMP Clergy Retreat Sept. 12 – 16, 2022
National MMP Clergy Retreatin the Form of a Continuous CenacleMalvern Retreat House Malvern, PennsylvaniaMonday, Sept. 12 (4 PM) – Friday, Sept. 16, 2022 (9 AM) REGISTRATION: Go to and click on “calendar.” Scroll down to the date and go … Continue reading
September 2021 Cenacles led by Fr. Richard Cortese, National Director
Monday, Sept. 13 – Friday, Sept. 17 Clergy Retreat at the Malvern Retreat House in Malvern, PA (There are still spaces available, if you know of any priests who would be interested) Saturday Sept. 18 11:30 AMCenacle/Mass (English)St. Norbert’s Catholic … Continue reading
National MMP Retreat for Laity, September 24-26, 2021
National MMP Retreat for LaityShrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament3224 County Rd. 548 Hanceville, ALFriday, September 24 to Sunday, September 26, 2021 REGISTRATION: Open to everyone. You are not required to register with the Shrine, but please inform the MMP … Continue reading
CLERGY RETREATSept. 14-18, 2020Malvern Retreat House Dear Brothers in the MMP, The Manager of Retreats at the Malvern Retreat House has informed us that our MMP clergy retreat can go forward as planned. Everything will be held at the Family … Continue reading
2020 MMP Lay Retreat
LAY RETREATOctober 16-18, 2020Shrine of the Most Blessed SacramentHanceville, AL Dear Brothers and Sisters, We have been advised by the Shrine in Hanceville that we can proceed with our retreat plans; however, the group will be limited to a … Continue reading
Worldwide MMP Cenacle on May 13
Dear members of the MMP, I invite you to join me in a worldwide Cenacle on Wednesday May 13, the anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady in Fatima. We will be praying together [in 5 languages] with members … Continue reading