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(as done by Fr. Stefano Gobbi)
The following is offered as an example and practical guide.
The five parts in bold (roman numerals I-V) are necessary to fulfill the requirements for the cenacle. The other prayers are optional.
If possible, it is recommended to pray before an image or statue of Our Lady of Fatima or of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to remind us that She is truly present with us, and that She Herself began this work in 1917, and from 1972 onwards she has called Fr. Gobbi and all of us to be a part of it.
Please note:
If there is Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration, begin with “O Salutaris Hostia” or other Eucharistic hymn. The Blessed Sacrament may be reposed with Benediction or a simple reposition at the end of the cenacle.
(The cenacle may be preceded by a Marian hymn)
+ Sign of the Cross.
- Invocation to the Holy Spirit
- The Rosary
- Apostle’s Creed
- Our Father, three Hail Marys and Glory be
- Announcement of each mystery followed by a short meditation
- Ave, Ave, Ave Maria (sung to the Fatima melody)
- Our Father
- 10 Hail Marys
- Glory Be (sung or recited in English or Latin)
- Eucharistic invocation (one of the following – sung or recited):
- Prayer: “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of Thy Mercy.”
- O God, Whose only-begotten Son…
- St. Michael Prayers
- Fatima Prayers
- Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Prayer for the Holy Father’s intentions
- Reading of a Message from the Blue Book
- Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
“O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All Praise and All Thanksgiving Be Every Moment Thine.”
– OR –
Jesus our God, Jesus Our Redeemer /
We adore you in the Holy Eucharist;
Jesus, son of Mary; Jesus, King of Love (2x)
Although the Hail Holy Queen is usually recited at this time in smaller family or parish cenacles, it is recommended that it be sung in Latin (Salve Regina) or recited in English following the prayer for the International Director (end of Part III). In regional, national and other larger cenacles, it is required to do it in this manner to conform with cenacles in other parts of the world (per Fr. Luca).
The following traditional concluding prayers are optional and can be included here in smaller family or parish cenacles, or as a prelude before the cenacle begins. (Note from Fr. Luca Pescatori: “These prayers do not increase the value of the Cenacle itself, as they are only an expression of devotion of those who are praying the Cenacle according to the format that the Blessed Mother gave to Fr. Gobbi.”)
Let us pray for Pope Francis:
Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be.
It is also recommended to sing the hymn “Christus vincit.”
Refrain: | Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus Christus imperat! (Christ conquers! Christ reigns! Christ Christ commands!) |
Verse 1: | Francisco Summo Pontifici et universali Patri, pax, vita et salus perpetua. (Ref.) (To Francis our Pope and universal Father, peace, life and eternal salvation) |
Verse 2: | Tempora bona veniant. Pax Christi veniat, per Immaculatum Cor Mariae Regnum Christi veniat! (Ref.) (May good times come; May the peace of Christ come; May the Kingdom of Christ through the Immaculate Heart of Mary come!) |
• We pray one Hail Mary for the International MMP Director, Fr. Luca Pescatori; for priests who may be in a crisis of faith; and also for all our bishops, priests and deacons.
• The Hail Holy Queen (Salve Regina).
• Reflection on the message given by a priest or deacon (if present), or there may be brief comments.
• Final Blessing (if a priest is present)
• International Hymn of the MMP “Immaculate Heart of Holy Mary” – (pg. A7 in the blue book)
* * * * *
If there is Holy Mass, the recommendations are as follows (as done by Fr. Stefano Gobbi)
• Homily might be connected to one of the messages in the Blue Book
• Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary(according to the one in the blue book – pgs. A2-A5) replaces the Prayer of the Faithful. Note per Fr. Cortese: If there are consecrations with several groups – priests; religious and laity; teenagers; small children and babies in the womb – in addition to the one replacing the Prayer of the Faithful, consider offering the other consecrations before Mass, in front of Our Lady’s statue or image.
• The Magnificat sung or recited after Holy Communion as a prayer of thanksgiving.
• International Hymn of the MMP “Immaculate Heart of Holy Mary” (pg. A7 in blue book)