News from the National Headquarters
DECEMBER 20, 2005
When Jesus first came to our world, He was born in a stable, a cave, where there were many things loathsome to the human person. Our Lady tells us in her messages that Joseph tidied up the place as best he could, to make it as hospitable as possible for his pregnant wife and the Child to be born. At Christmas, we remember the first coming of Jesus by our celebrations, of which the celebration of the Mass and our reception of Jesus in Holy Communion is the most important of them all. By means of our Communion, Jesus comes down once again, but this time not in a dingy stable, but in our hearts. Should we not imitate Saint Joseph and do all we possibly can to tidy up our hearts for the coming of the King of kings? I encourage you to immerse yourselves into the spiritual bath of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, so that anything that is loathsome to the Infant Jesus, the King of kings, may be washed away. Jesus is coming down to take away our sins, but we need to give them to Him. This is the gift He wishes to receive from us this Christmas as we commemorate his First Coming, in expectation of his Second Coming in glory.
To place ourselves in a mood of expectation as we await his coming, I invite you to meditate upon message #559 which Our Lady gave to Fr. Gobbi on the Holy Night 1995. He is “the Merciful Love which comes down from the bosom of the Father, to bring redemption, salvation and peace to all humanity. Receive Him with love, with joy and with immense blessedness.”
A few excerpts from this message are copied below for those who do not have the book, “To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons.” You may obtain this book by using the order form found on this website.
Dongo (Como, Italy); December 24, 1995
The Holy Night
Merciful Love
a – “Beloved sons, live with me, in silence and in prayer, the anxious hours of the vigil.
b – Walk with my most chaste spouse, Joseph, and with your heavenly Mother on the long road which is bringing us from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Feel, you too, the fatigue of the journey, the weariness which takes hold of us, the assurance which leads us on, the prayer which accompanies each step, as a heavenly blessedness fills our hearts, now united in perfect communion with the Heart of the Heavenly Father which is about to open itself in the gift of his only-begotten Son.
c – The noise of the crowded caravan does not disturb us, nor does discouragement take hold of us before all the doors which are closed on our request to be taken in.
d – The compassionate hand of a shepherd points out to us a poor cave, which opens itself to the most sublime and divine prodigy. The only-begotten Son of the Father is about to be born to his human life. There is about to descend to the world that Merciful Love who becomes man in the Son born of me, his Virgin Mother. After long centuries of expectation and of prayerful supplication, your Savior and Redeemer at last comes to you.
e – This is the holy night.
This is the dawn which arises upon the new day of your salvation.
This is the light which shines forth in the deep darkness of all history.
f – My spouse Joseph seeks to make the frigid cave more hospitable and sets about transforming a poor manger into a crib.
g – I am absorbed in an intense prayer and enter into ecstasy with the Heavenly Father, who surrounds me with his light and his love, and fills me with his fullness of life and blessedness, while paradise, with all its angelic cohorts, prostrates itself in an act of profound adoration. When I emerge from this ecstasy, I find in my arms the divine Child, miraculously born of me, his Virgin Mother.
h – I press Him to my Heart, cover Him with tender kisses, warm Him with my motherly love, wrap Him in clean linens and place Him in the manger, which is now ready.
i – My God is completely present in this Child of mine. The mercy of the Father is made visible in the newborn Infant who utters his first plaintive cries.
j – Divine Mercy has given his Fruit to you: together let us prostrate ourselves and adore the Merciful Love who has been born for us.
k — Together let us look into his eyes, which open to bring upon the world the light of the truth and of divine wisdom.
l — Together let us wipe away his tears, which run down to bring compassion upon every suffering, to wash away every stain of sin and evil, to close every wound, to bring solace to each oppressed person, to cause the awaited dew to descend upon the frigid desert of the world.
m — Together let us clasp his hands, which open themselves to bring the caress of the Father upon human miseries, to bring help to the poor and the little, support to the weak, assurance to the discouraged, pardon to sinners, health to the sick, and to all the gift of redemption and salvation.
n — Together let us warm his feet which will follow the barren and insecure roads to search out the straying, to find the lost, to give hope to the despairing, to bring liberty to prisoners and the Good News to the poor.
o — Together let us kiss his little Heart, which has just begun to beat with love for us.
It is the very Heart of God.
It is the Heart of the only-begotten Son of the Father, who becomes man to bring back to God a humanity redeemed and saved by Him.
It is the Heart which beats to renew the heart of every creature.
It is the new heart of the world.
It is the Merciful Love which comes down from the bosom of the Father, to bring redemption, salvation and peace to all humanity.
p – Receive Him with love, with joy and with immense blessedness. And let there come forth from your heart the hymn of perennial gratitude for this Child, virginally given to you by me who, on this holy night, have become for all the Mother of Divine Mercy.”
I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all those who have remembered us at Christmas with cards, gifts and sentiments of peace, joy and good will. I thank in a special way all those who have donated to the Marian Movement of Priests during this past year, making it possible for us to continue disseminating the messages of Our Lady. Your gifts are so very important for this work of Our Lady.
My staff joins me in extending to you our best wishes for a Holy Christmas and a Blessed New Year. May the Lord Jesus bless and fill you with an abundance of his choicest graces and blessings.
Sincerely yours in
Jesus and Mary,
Rev. Albert G. Roux
National Director