Malvern Retreat House (St. Joseph’s in the Hills)
Malvern, Pennsylvania
This year’s retreats will be held at the beautiful Malvern Retreat House which was the site of the MMP clergy retreat with Father Gobbi in November 1990 where he received message #437 “The Hour of the Great Trial.” Three bishops and two hundred fifty priests were in attendance.
For the Clergy:
Monday, Sept. 9, 2019 (4 PM) to Friday, Sept. 13, 2019 (9 AM)
(N.B. All participants will have to submit a letter of suitability to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia)
For the Laity:
Friday, Sept. 13, 2019 (3 PM) to Sunday, Sept. 15, 2019 (10 AM)
This weekend retreat is open to everyone. Bring your family and friends!
Retreat Master
We are pleased to welcome Fr. Gerard “Gerry” McCloskey from Belfast, Ireland who will give our two daily conferences and lead the Holy Hours. Fr. Gerry, a diocesan priest, first made his consecration while still a seminarian and, since his ordination to the priesthood in 1985, has been regularly attending Cenacles of the Marian Movement of Priests. He has given clergy, lay and youth retreats in the form of a Cenacle in Ireland and England over many years. Fr. Gerry met with Fr. Gobbi many times during his visits to Ireland and also while attending international retreats in Italy. In the forthcoming retreats at Malvern, Fr. Gerry hopes to remind us of the light-filled way along which all of us must walk in order to live the consecration which we have made to her Immaculate Heart. The schedule will follow the format of a cenacle and include the recitation of the Holy Rosary prayed throughout the day, and the reading and meditation on the messages. Daily Mass will be celebrated, and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for Eucharistic Adoration.
The Retreat House is located at:
315 South Warren Ave. Malvern, PA 19355.
They are conveniently located only a 30 minute drive from the Philadelphia Airport. Taxi service to Malvern is available. Directions can be found on their website.
Go to and click on “calendar.” Scroll down to the date and go to the MMP page. Click on “register now” and select “create an account” to register. You may call the retreat house if you have any questions or need assistance.
Tel. (610) 644-0400
We urge you to register early. Capacity at the retreat house is set at 50 for the clergy (Sept. 9-13), and 85 for the laity (Sept. 13-15) Even if the retreat house rooms fill up, however, you have the option of staying at local hotels located just a few minutes from the retreat house. Local commuters are welcome to attend, but are also required to register with the retreat house in advance.
Clergy Retreat: $375 (includes 4 nights lodging and all meals)
Laity Retreat: $220 (includes 2 nights lodging and all meals)
Weekend Commuters: $100 (for meals and to attend the retreat)